RimWorld Mod データベース

 More Frosty RimFridge Drinks [1.5] ID:2763183061 2024-04-26 20:35 Changed:4月26日 @ 21時35分

TAG: [パッチ] [バフ] [冷蔵] [嗜好品]
More Frosty RimFridge Drinks Title画像

More Frosty RimFridge Drinks

[KV] RimFridgeで冷やして飲むことでバフを受ける飲み物を増やすパッチ。

- Blueberries
- ChocoCola
- Coca Cola And Pepsi Mod
- CuproPanda's Drinks
- Epona race Renaissance
- Fungihol
- GingerAle
- Grains and Brewing
- Irn Bru And Other Scottish Delights
- Milk Dragon
- More Archotech Garbage - it's Archotech, so those drinks are always frosty!
- MorrowRim - Alcohol Remade
- Randy Burger - Fast Food set
- RimCuisine 2: Bottling And Booze
- RimCuisine 2: Core
- Rotmeth
- Russian traditional food
- Simple Sake
- Smokeleaf Industry Reborn
- Star Trek: Races
- Vanilla Brewing Expanded
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
- Vanilla Plants Expanded
- VGP Vegetable Garden
- VGP Garden Drinks
- VGP Garden Drinks UF
- VGP Garden Gourmet
- Winery, Wine Making and Ageing
- Zen Garden Plus
Steam, Author. 26 Apr 2024. More Frosty RimFridge Drinks. 24 Feb 2022 <https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2763183061>.
2022-02-24 23:42:39 [編集する] [差分] [日本語化UP]


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  • 書込
  • Yayo's Animation (Continued)画像
    =617 G=4
  • More Rimefeller Compat画像
  • More Frosty RimFridge Drinks画像
  • Style Change Anytime画像
  • Variety Matters - More Compat画像
  • Filth Creates Trash画像
  • Yayo's Combat Warcaskets画像
  • Wood Is Natural (For Trees)画像
  • Multiplayer - Custom Tickrates画像
  • Rimder: Romance Control画像
  • AutoPermits画像
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